Kiwi Taxi Coupons & Promo Codes

Kiwi Taxi Coupons & Promo Codes

If your booking was cancelled more than 24 hours before the transfer, the prepayment will be refunded within 10 bank days.If there is no refund in 10 days, check the history of your balance.If there is no notification about the refund, please contact us via email support kiwitaxi. com or in online chat.

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Kiwi Taxi Coupons & Promo Codes

If your booking was cancelled more than 24 hours before the transfer, the prepayment will be refunded within 10 bank days.If there is no refund in 10 days, check the history of your balance.If there is no notification about the refund, please contact us via email support kiwitaxi. com or in online chat.